Cleaners in Watford

Commercial Cleaning company in Watford

Our cleaning staff - Who are they? And why are they the BEST?

Wednesday 16 October, 2024

Since we started our cleaning company in Watford in 2005, our mission (and promise) was to search further and harder than anyone else, to find the very best cleaning staff around to allow us to promise that we would be better than the rest at providing commercial and office cleaning services. To be Watford’s BEST!

We had hoped that over time that task of finding brilliant cleaners would become easier, but it didn’t. It got harder. For every advert we place for new professional cleaners, whether part time or full time, we’re bombarded with applications. A tidal wave of people referring to us. It takes hours to work through them, filter them down and create a short list of people that we’d like to talk to. And then comes the hard bit in offering cleaning trials, explaining the role, and how the cleaning MUST be of the highest possible standards. Many drop out at this point, as they ‘know’ that they’re not prepared, or capable of achieving the results our customers demand. That leaves very few remaining on the list. We work through them some more and hope that the end result is that at least 3 have had trials with us and undergo cleaning training, and of those 3, 1 will make the cut and a cleaning job be offered. But, in reality, frequently nobody makes that cut, and it can take 3 advert and recruitment runs to find just 1 person. THREE.

BUT, we keep doing it, we have to. We could, like some, just take whichever person applied that spoke a bit of English and claimed to have some experience, and then hope for the best. We could, like some, understand that this chosen cleaner wasn’t right after all, and take the next person from the list and hope for the best again. And repeat in the hope the commercial cleaning customer doesn’t notice (or care) that they’ve had 5 different cleaners present in just two weeks. And that’s only if person number 5 was OK to stay, or the cycle just keeps repeating until the customer or cleaning company get fed up.

You simply can’t just hope for the best. It’s exceptionally unlikely that this will work. What works is the hard effort to spend the time sifting through applications and referrals, offering great rates of pay and a wonderful company to work with, actively and passionately trying to attract the VERY best from other industry’s, other cleaning companies, and sometimes even from other countries. Being the best cleaning company in Watford is important to us, it’s what we have always strived to be, and the effort to find (and keep) the very best cleaning staff available is the only way to achieve this.

Our staff turnover is incredibly low, a testament to the staff we have, the efforts they put in, and the rewards we offer to congratulate, motivate, renumerate and all the things we do to keep them happy.

Our staff current staff are from 12 different countries, practice 4 different religions. Some work part-time, some all day, every day. Some drive, some don't, some speak fluent English and others are learning. Some of our cleaners live in Watford, some in London, one's in Cambridge, another in Hitchin. But they were all found with the greatest of efforts. More effort than many other cleaning companies dare to make.

We’re the best cleaning company in Watford because our staff are the best. They make us. They change us. And we’re proud of every single person that wears The Callver Cleaning Co uniform 

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