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We’ve proudly provided perfectly tailored office cleaning services for over 20 years, helping leading organisations provide beautifully clean and hygienic workspaces for staff, and sanitised spaces and washroom areas for all customers and visitors.

  • Fully trained, uniformed, motivated professional cleaners; all of whom are employed by us directly
  • SMAS Accredited
  • Brilliant Communication
  • Comprehensively Insured
  • Cleaners following guidance from Risk Assessments, bespoke to each office, ensuring safe cleaning practice at all times
  • All new, Callver branded COSHH packs available for customers, detailing all cleaning products, especially those designed to help eradicate viruses
  • Cleaning Services are available out of hours or during the working day
  • Comprehensive Washroom and Hygiene Services
  • Electronic Staff Location Management

Our Office Cleaning Service

We understand that things have changed immensely for workplaces since early 2020. We’ve learnt a huge amount, adapted, and have created a much stronger cleaning company ready for these new challenges. Whether to provide cleaning service to you directly, offer you advice, or just to be available when you may need our help. If you need a cleaning company that’s professional, flexible, with great communication, and will provide the highest level of cleaning quality, just get in touch.

The pandemic was a massive challenge, and all of our working lives were changed. How we work, where we work, and the environment we work in has changed – possibly forever. But, providing effective and professional cleaning services to all workspaces must continue, and hygienic and clean workspaces has never been more important.

Hi, I just want to say the ladies did a FABULOUS clean, the office looks amazing now!!”

Kirsty, Mayfield Villages, Watford

Effective and controlled cleaning has always been essential... It’s just now at the forefront of people’s minds when they enter shared spaces, and interact with others. We’re here to help provide ALL workspaces, offices, shared spaces, hot desk areas with the cleaning service they demand. Hybrid working and rented desk space is now booming as a concept, and all work spaces, especially those used by many over the course of a week, demand excellence in their cleanliness. And we’re here to provide it.

We also provide bespoke and comprehensive ‘Washroom Service’, offering automatic air fresheners, female sanitary units and urinal hygiene control. If you’d like to know more about these, pop over here... Washroom Services.

We’re based in Watford, and proudly offer office cleaning service throughout the local area, across Hertfordshire and into Central London.

Here’s more info on the changes we made to office cleaning, and what we learned from Coronavirus Covid-19-Safe-Working.

Office Cleaning Blog


Are they all the same? What should you expect? And what should you pay?


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The Callver Cleaning Co are trusted by...
BBC Streathers Europcar Cala Housing Barton Petroleum Wren